Creative, Professional Designs

Let's build ideas into a reality!

About Me

Graphic Design


My name is Benjamin Hudgins, and I'm a Level 30 Wizard who part times as a Graphic Designer. So I'm not sure

what to write about myself that would really convince anyone to want to hire me. I do have a particular set of

skills however. Skills, that make me an asset to people like you. If you read this & don't hire me immediately. I

will find you, and I will create great designs for you.

Hey Look, a portfolio

DumRobot Youtube


I have created a YouTube channel to help me and others learn and improve our creative skills.

Lets Learn Art Stuff

Table-Fables Podcast


Check out our fun and friendly tabletop podcast where we play Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder and other RPG's for fun, horror and adventure.

Find out more